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wiki:dark_tourism [2024/05/08 04:27] – [Literatur] norbertwiki:dark_tourism [2024/05/16 02:31] (aktuell) – [Literatur] norbert
Zeile 28: Zeile 28:
   * ''Liz Diller'', ''Ric Scofidio'' (Hg.)\\ //Visite aux armées: Tourismes de guerre/Back to the Front: Tourisms of War.//\\ Caen 1994: Fonds Régional d’Art, Inhalt u.a.:\\ ''Abbeele, Georges Van Den'': //Sites blindés/Armored Sights//   * ''Liz Diller'', ''Ric Scofidio'' (Hg.)\\ //Visite aux armées: Tourismes de guerre/Back to the Front: Tourisms of War.//\\ Caen 1994: Fonds Régional d’Art, Inhalt u.a.:\\ ''Abbeele, Georges Van Den'': //Sites blindés/Armored Sights//
   * ''Lisle, Debbie''\\ //Holidays in the Danger Zone: Entanglements of War and Tourism.//\\ Minneapolis 2016: University of Minnesota Press   * ''Lisle, Debbie''\\ //Holidays in the Danger Zone: Entanglements of War and Tourism.//\\ Minneapolis 2016: University of Minnesota Press
 +  * ''Seaton, A. V.''\\ //Guided by the Dark. From Thanatopsis to Thanatourism.//\\ International Journal of Heritage Studies, 2 (1996) 234–244
   * ''Richard Sharpley'', Philip R. Stone (Hg.)\\ //The Darker Side of Travel: The Theory and Practice of Dark Tourism.//\\ Bristol 2009: Channel View   * ''Richard Sharpley'', Philip R. Stone (Hg.)\\ //The Darker Side of Travel: The Theory and Practice of Dark Tourism.//\\ Bristol 2009: Channel View
 +  * ''Albrecht Steinecke''\\ //Dark Tourism. Reisen zu Orten des Leids, des Schreckens und des Todes.//\\ 222 S. Konstanz 2021: UVK. [[|Inhalt]]
   * ''Stone, Philip''\\ //A Dark Tourism Spectrum: Towards a Typology of Death and Macabre Related Tourist Sites, Attractions and Exhibitions.//\\ Tourism, 54.2 (2006) 145-160.   * ''Stone, Philip''\\ //A Dark Tourism Spectrum: Towards a Typology of Death and Macabre Related Tourist Sites, Attractions and Exhibitions.//\\ Tourism, 54.2 (2006) 145-160.
   * ''Stone, Philip'', ''Sharpley, Richard''\\ //Consuming Dark Tourism: A Thanatological Perspective//\\ Annals of Tourism Research, 35.2 (2008) 574-595   * ''Stone, Philip'', ''Sharpley, Richard''\\ //Consuming Dark Tourism: A Thanatological Perspective//\\ Annals of Tourism Research, 35.2 (2008) 574-595
wiki/dark_tourism.1715142477.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/05/08 04:27 von norbert

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