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Game (drive, reserve)

Der englische Begriff bezeichnet seit dem 13. Jahrhundert bejagte Tiere, weil man die Jagd als sportliche Disziplin auffasste. Er bezeichnet jagdbare Wildtiere (game) im Unterschied zu Schlachtvieh (cattle), auch im Unterschied zu bushmeat.
In diesem Zusammenhang auch:
game park Wildreservat, Tierpark; game drive Pirschfahrt; game meat Jagdbeute


  • Baldwin, W. C.
    African hunting from Natal to the Zambesi, including Lake Ngami, the Kalahari Desert &c. from 1852 to 1860.
    X, 451 S. London 1863: Bentley.
  • Daly, Marcus
    Big Game Hunting and Adventure, 1897–1936.
    XI, 332 S. London 1937: MacMillan
  • Edward, Second Duke of York
    The Master of Game.
    [1406/1413] Reprint 1909 Vorwort von Theodore Roosevelt.
    Das älteste Buch über die Jagd in englischer Sprache. Online
  • Maxwell, Marius
    Stalking big game with a camera in equatorial Africa:
    with a monograph on the African elephant.

    XX, 311 S. New York 1924: Century Co.
  • Maydon, Major H. C.
    Big Game Shooting in Africa.
    445 S. Norwich 1932: Jarrold and Sons, Reprint 1957.
  • Munsche, P. B.
    Gentlemen and Poachers: the English Game Laws, 1671–1831.
    Cambridge 1981/2008: University Press.
  • Roosevelt, Theodore
    African game trails,
    an account of the African wanderings of an American hunter-naturalist; with more than two hundred illustrations from photographs by Kermit Roosevelt and other members of the expedition, and from drawings by Philip R. Goodwin.
    XXIII, [1], 583 S., Tafeln, Karten. New York 1910: Charles Scribner's Sons.
  • Taylor, John („Pondoro“)
    Big Game and Big Game Rifles.
    London 1948: H. Jenkins.
  • Wolhuter, Harry
    Memories of a game-ranger.
    313 S., 17 Tafeln. [Johannesburg] 1948: Wild Life Protection Society of South Africa.
  • Wolley, Sir Clive Phillips
    Big Game Shooting.
    1: Africa and Northern America.
    2: Europe and Arctic.
    XVI, 453 S. London 1894: Longmans, Green. Online
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