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Entlaufene Sträflinge aus den Straflagern Australiens, die als Waldläufer und im Unterschied zu Overlandern als Outlaws in der Wildnis lebten, im australischen Busch, dem Outback.

  • Frearson, Robert Sands
    The history of bushranging in Australia: from the earliest times.
    Adelaide : Frearson & Brother, 1887. Darin:
    Ned Kelly sowie Michael Howe, Ben Hall, Frank Gardener, John Gilbert, Joseph Sullivan, Henry Power, Thunderbolt, Captain Moonlite, Dan Morgan, Thomas Hughes
  • Foster, Meg
    The ‘Other’ Bushrangers: Aboriginal, African American, Chinese and female bandits in Australian history and social memory, 1788-2019
    2019 University of New South Wales.
  • White, Charles
    History of Australian bushranging.
    Sydney 1910: Angus & Robertson in 4 Teilen: The early days; 1850 - 1862; 1863 - 1869; 1869 - 1878
  • Kelly, Veronica
    Explorers and bushrangers in nineteenth/ century Australian theatre.
    Singapore University Press 1987: 119-132.
  • Gunn, J. S., B. Levy
    A word history of Bushranging.
    University of Sydney 1980, Australian Language Research Centre.
  • Nixon, A.
    100 Australian bushrangers, 1789-1901.
    Adelaide 1982: Rigby.
  • Tranter, B. , Donoghue, J.
    Bushrangers, Ned Kelly and Australian identity.
    Journal of Sociology, 44(4) (2008) 373–390.
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